Saturday, October 29, 2011

Signs that you're losing yourself

1. You can no longer see the white part of your white table.
2. You throw your clothes everywhere and can't distinguish dirty from clean.
3. You haven't done laundry in years.
4. Your nail polish is hardly there, but you don't bother to remove it.
5. In fact, the thought of grooming yourself doesn't even cross your mind.
6. You haven't gone grocery shopping in years.
7. You haven't gone to the gym in 10 years.
8. You're at home only to sleep.
9. When you have free time, wait... you don't have free time.
10. Sleeping before 4am is not an option.
11. You utilize the dishwasher for the first time in your life.
12. You haven't gone to class in 3 weeks.
13. You eat out 2 out of 2 meals a day.
14. There's a "To Buy" note lying on your window above the sink, that has been there for 2 weeks.
15. You wait for the rain to wash your car.
16. Your car has no gas.
17. Still, you somehow manage to drive across town 7x a week.
18. Good rest is but an elusive memory.

#midterms #work #stress #chaos


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