Saturday, May 19, 2012

Czech, Czech, Czech it out

After my trip to Budapest, I split with Michelle and Heidi (who went to Geneva, Switzerland) and came to myself! I've never traveled by myself, ever. I never had the guts to do it. But I couldn't leave Europe without seeing Prague and I was just a few hours away. So my uncle set me up in a train departing from Budapest and six hours later, I was in Prague. I stayed at a hotel/hostel called St. Christopher's at the Mosaic House and it was probably one of the coolest places I've stayed at. Everyone I met was really easy going and down-to-earth.
Now, I check into this hotel...not knowing a thing about Prague and without any experience being on my own. And immediately I met these two guys from Australia who had both met in Prague and been hanging out for a while. These two guys I meet insisted that I take a "welcome shot"...because supposedly that's how Aussies do it. Of course, I fell into peer pressure and took a shot of Stroh, aka Austrian toxic. If you want to intoxicate yourself with 80% alcohol, this is your kind of drink. Not quite my cup of tea, but I wasn't going to decline my first ever welcome shot.
The bar downstairs was actually not bad. This is where all the travelers congregated so I got to meet a bunchhhh of cool people.
My first meal in Prague after traveling for hours. I ordered this in the hotel lobby, where they had an amazing restaurant. Pork loins wrapped in bacon with fries. Imagine having a bite of this after a long, long day of traveling.
This picture was taken just outside of the hotel. The roofs made it feel like I was in Eastern Europe, even though we were technically in "central" Europe.
I live for these kind of views. Sunset along the river = perfection. 
The next day I skipped the obligatory tour of main city Prague and opted for a slightly different itinerary. My new friends and I took a train to Kutna Hora in Czech Republic to see this "bone museum" that everyone was talking about. And it was so worth the trip. This museum was so fascinating. Everything inside was made of real human bones.
Creepy, but so fascinating. I couldn't stop staring, imagining and even touching lol. Sorry.
Chandelier made of different human bones. Who thinks of this kind of stuff?
This entire area felt like depiction from a Disney movie
especially this castle! 
Man, it was soooo beautiful. I was so surprised to find something like this in the middle of a random town in Czech Republic.
I came back 2 hours earlier from Kutna Hora than the other guys because I wanted to see Prague before I left. This is the national museum, which was under construction during my time there.
Loving the variety of colors on the buildings to the right. 
My attempt at an artistic shot.
I climbed all the way to the top one of the towers in Prague just before the sun was setting. My breath was literally taken away when I saw the views. 
Old Town Prague
Later at night, we linked up with everyone and went off to a jazz bar.
These are the boys I were with. 3 of them were from Australia and one from California. Oh, all such characters.
In front of the astronomical clock!
Amazing bread that you can smell from a mile away.
Old Town Prague square
Lastly, the famous Lennon Wall. All you need is love!


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