Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Cinque Terre: "The Five Lands"

The Italian Riviera / Northern Italy

The roadtrip continues with the roomies from Florence to Cinque Terre, also known as "The Five Lands". One of my biggest regrets last year was not being able to make it to Cinque Terre...which was a huge disappointment because it had been on my Bucket List since I was in high school. Yuuup, I managed to get myself to about 13 different countries, yet couldn't dedicate a weekend to take a train up north for a day to fulfill my adolescent dream. Hold the applause. Cinque Terre was just as beautiful as I'd imagined it to be. Manarola, the last town we visited, was one of the prettiest sites I've seen in all of Italy. Words cannot describe the excitement, joy and thrill I felt as we sat and watched the sun set over this beautiful coast. Enjoy.




Too much excitement

Buona notte.


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