Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dove è Scholars?

It's my 5th night in Rome and so far it has been an absolutely amazing experience. I'm so fortunate to have met people who are all so down-to-earth, especially my roommates. All of us have such different personalities, yet mesh so well together. The afternoons in Roma are always a new adventure as we explore new markets, cafes, streets, etc. And of course, we always manage to have fun at night. So far we've been going to bars that a lot of Americans frequent, which has been a lot of fun, but I'm also looking forward to going out and meeting more locals. 
One of the mini-challenges that I've been adjusting to is walking everywhere. It's strange to start walking miles on end in Italy, whereas in LA we drive just down the block to avoid any type of physical exercise. I don't mind it at all though. The city at night is almost just as beautiful, or even more, than it is in the daytime. The streets are quiet and lit by decorative lights and lamposts, and the Tiber River is illuminated by the moon and the surrounding lights. I am slowly falling more and more in love with this city as the days go by. 
Our apartment has officially become the meeting spot before we head out. Our place is apparently one of the biggest, if not the biggest apartment assigned to the students. Our living room accommodates around 20. The kids all come by the get ready and/or pre-party before we head out. (Rewind to Freshman year)
Loving the primary colors.
Waiting for the autobus. After midnight the bus runs less frequently, which is why we were waiting here for a good 15 minutes before we hopped on. 
Back at Scholar's Irish Pub. This place is always a good destination for us. The few times I've been here, I've always had a good time and met new people. It's obviously packed for a reason.
Spotted: Magner's Irish Cider.
Watched the 49'ers vs. Saints at the pub, and wow, all I have to say is... well played Niners. Well deserved win. The entire pub was cheering and screaming at the plays.
Italian men always try to conversate with American girls. 
Spotted: AJ in Rome!
Spotted: Sam in the background. Hmmmm, wonder why she's excited? ;)
"I need something to eat. What do you have back there?"
This is what we got! Peanuts. Not complaining.
On our way back home to Trastevere. 
"Trust me. I can walk in a straight line, with my heels, on cobblestone."
Molto bella. xoxo. Love you Roma.


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