Friday, January 13, 2012

Let's Get Lost Tonight.

It's currently 5am and I just got back from a club in Roma called Gilda. This was officially my 2nd night out in town. Though I don't want this trip to be all about partying, I do think the night life is a big part of Rome and want to soak up the experience. It took almost an hour just to get there because we didn't know our way around, and of course, got lost fifty times. But this city is one place I do not mind getting lost in because you'll find so many great things at every turn. We were walking down a street and randomly ran into the Pantheon and the Trevi Fountain. No biggie.
This is usually where we wait for the tram or bus, which is directly across the street from my apartment. It leads all the way to a main terminal called "Argentina" where we get off and walk to our destination. 
These are our neighbors from down the street. Michelle and her roommates.
So why are we all dressed like this when we're going "clubbing"? In Italy, nobody wears a dress to the club...especially in the winter time. A lot of people wear nice jeans and a cute top and check-in their coats upon entrance. Not complaining, at all. 
This group is awesome. 
The tram usually takes about 5-8 minutes to get to "Argentina". 
The city lights up at night.
Just passing by the Pantheon. No big deal.
Simply beautiful. Viva Italia!
"Is that the Trevi? Yup, that's the Trevi"

So we get to Gilda at around 12:30am and it was dead. After 30 minutes, the venue was packed. Italians party late! The drinks here were insanely expensive, but rightly so... it is a really nice club in a nice part of town. My one critique was the music. The Italians really need to update their iTunes and get with the music in 2011. The DJ was spinning songs from the 90's and songs that were popular back in middle school. Nevertheless, I had a good time dancing and singing along to all the familiar tunes with the girls. 
Italian boys. Ciao!
DJ spinning middle school throwbacks. 
Genesis, Me, Meredith and D-Kon.
I love that second picture. Meg and Michelle's facial expressions are priceless. I believe this is when Katy Perry - Fireworks came on. 
Enjoying drinks from the balcony.

I am now sitting on my bed and eating ramen with sriracha sauce as I update this blog. Nothing to make me feel more at home at my home away from home. <3 Ciao!


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