Monday, February 20, 2012

Compleanno di Michelle

My good friend Michelle recently turned Italy. What a way to spend your birthday, not many people can say the same! Michelle has been a friend for a little less than 4 years and has been such a blessing in my life. We were roommates in freshman year of college and endured the funnest, wildest and most hilarious year together as roommates. (From zero week madness, to the Georgia episodes, and never ending nights in Convoy). I never imagined us to experience so many great things together, like training for short-term summer missions in 2009 (her to Uganda and me to Nicaragua), remaining friends even while I transfered universities, and now in Rome together to finish off our undergraduate experience. She's such a sweet girl, amazing and super loyal friend, and will one day be an incredible teacher! Boys, she's on the market btw. Happy 22nd Birthday, Michelle! Love you mille. 
Roses from Holland that I picked up in Trastevere
Michelle and her roommate Kathy at Dar Poeta.
Bufala pizza at the famous Dar Poeta, with fresh cheese, basil and tomatoes. The crust was heavenly.
Amazing crepe with ricotta cheese and hot melted nutella
After an extremely satisfying dinner at Dar Poeta, I showed the girls from Michelle's apartment a few local bars in Trastevere. First stop was Dee Jay Bar, which was surprisingly not dead for a Wednesday night.. Mad props for the Biggie tribute in this little bar in Trastevere.
Jagerbombs, what's new.
Next stop, a bar in Trastevere called Manhattan. They have great deals for students, like a shot and a cocktail for 5 euros. The bartender Laura makes some of the best drinks I've had. This one's called a Victoria Mojito. One for me, one for Michelle.
You ask her to surprise you with something sweet, something sour, or something strong and she'll whip up just the thing.
So glad we're here together in Roma! Once again, happiest birthday to you Michelle. A lot more memories to come. Brace yourself.


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