Thursday, April 5, 2012

Je t'aime Paris

Every girl's dream come true. I've always dreamed of a trip to Paris. But the timing for this trip was less than perfect. Having traveled so much previously and having just left the Sahara Desert, I found myself mentally and physically drained and all my excitement had left. I've seen so many European chapels and cathedrals, monuments, fancy buildings and amazing natural scenery that by the time I arrived in Paris, I was somewhat jaded and unappreciative of all the interesting and unique sites that Paris had to offer. However, after warming up to the city after a few nights of long rest, I began to recognize how beautiful Paris truly was. My favorite destination was The Eiffel Tower. It was honestly so beautiful in person and not at all overrated as I'd imagined it to be. We went there every single day for 4 days straight. We picnicked here, napped here, brought our dinners here, laughed, popped champagne and chatted the nights away. We did a lot of other cool things in Paris like visit the Louvre, Notre Dame, Les Arts Decoratis, Moulin Rouge, Shakespeare and Co, and saved a day to visit the city of Versailles and Montemarte. 
View of Notre Dame from the outside
Inside the Notre Dame Cathedral. 
Got to see this really cool exhibit at Les Arts Decoratifs featuring a Louis Vuitton/Marc Jacobs exhibition
This background of this picture looks like a painting. 
Here's a picture from the first time we saw the Eiffel. We had no idea that it sparkled every hour and screamed out loud the first time we saw it light up!
Inside the Louvre Museum.
A girl's gotta have her sweets. 
Again, and this time at sunset.
Heidi and I at Versailles.
The pretty lady, Heidi.
A beautiful view of Paris from Montemarte
Moulin Rouge, where we stayed for 3 minutes and left immediately. I've never watched the movie Moulin Rouge, but this place gave me the worst vibes. Perverted French men hanging out around strip clubs and sex shops, not really my style.
Shakespeare and Co bookstore :) 
Inspiring quotes by Paulo Coelho.
The Eiffel Tower, again...
Quiet dinner next to the Eiffel. Life doesn't get much better than this.
You can look at it a million times and not ever get sick of it.
Chilling at a bar with some great company :)
One last time before we head back to Rome. We sat here for about an hour right before we headed off to the airport. A man came and sang with his guitar on the bottom of the steps, singing and playing to some great classics. Everyone was singing, dancing, clapping and cheering him on. It was my favorite part of my entire time in Paris.

I definitely can see myself coming back to Paris in the future, but only after learning some French...which I intend to do. :) 

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