Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Barcelona, Espana

I'm finally getting around to updating about Spring Break. I'm so behind on these updates and I am booked every weekend of April so I'm going to try to catch everyone up to speed. Barcelona was my first stop for Spring Break. I had zero idea what to expect from this city. When I was walking down Passeig de Gracia to my hostel for the first time, I was completely speechless. I saw the Gaudi buildings, not knowing really what they were all about, and was so impressed. Never before have I seen such unique architecture casually posted along a main street of a city. We settled into our hostel and were all so satisfied with our accommodations and location. We were right smack dab in the middle of the city.
Loved the lamps, pillars and couches.
Exploring the city at night.
Gaudi's buildings
Sorta reminded me of Disneyland's Toontown, anyone else feel me?
Unfinished work of Gaudi
Sagrada Familia.
Chillin in a rock, hey.
Parc Guell, I loveeee the palm trees. Reminds me of California.
Sea of tourists
More of Gaudi's work with a sick view of Barcelona
Spring Break travel buddies (L-R): Kathy, Heidi & Michelle
Came to this market, explored for a bit and bought some refreshing fruit/mid-day snack :)
Ready to go out in our St. Patrick's day hats d:)
Celebrating St. Patrick's day at an Irish pub in Barca with new friends.
Overall, the stay in Barcelona was short and sweet. We didn't get to go to Razzmatazz, which is the insane 5-story club in Barca, but we did go to some awesome salsa clubs. I wish we had more time to explore and get to know the city, but were on such a tight schedule because flights to Morocco (our next destination) only ran twice a week. We still had a great time and had great food, which equals satisfaction. Gracias Spain for the hospitality.

Stay tuned to Michelle's blog too! Here's her post on Barcelona. 


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