Sunday, April 1, 2012

Switzerland: Go hard, or go Rome

Alright, this post is way overdue. I've been meaning to update about my trip to Switzerland but got caught up with a lottt of traveling. I went to Switzerland 4 days after I came back from the French Riviera, so at the middle of the March. It was possibly the most epic, fun and expensive 3 days of my life. I went with my friend Katie, and we stayed in Interlaken, right in the middle of where all the extreme sports and snow activities take place.

Day 1 // Our first day in Interlaken we woke up to a beautiful view of the city. We went to the rental store to get our gear and equipment and headed out to the slopes. I am no professional snowboarder and have actually only gone twice before I went on the Swiss Alps, but I was up for the challenge. It ended up being so much fun and I got some great runs on Kleine Scheidegg. Katie was a skier and hadn't skied since she was a little girl, so couldn't enjoy it as much. But we both can admit that the slopes were one of the most beautiful things we ever saw.
Woke up in our private room to this view of Interlaken!
More hotels in the red shutters.
Geared up! Not really knowing what to expect of the Swiss Alps.
Katie in her ski cute :)
Casually posing as snow equipment.
Casually posing as a tree.
Train ride up the Alps
The most breathtaking and beautiful sights
Haha Katie struggling for her life.
But manages to look cute still
Up the lift we go!
Heading back home as the sun begins to set.

Day 2 // The next day we woke up and found that canyon jumping was all booked!!!! We were so sad and didn't know what to do all day. Katie wanted to go paragliding the next day, so we just decided to do that first. I was just going to sit in while she did it, but somehow was dragged into it too. I'm more of an adrenaline junkie and not one to sign up for a 10 minute glide above a small town. But somehow I was convinced. It was my opinion, a disappointment because it was SO hyped by everyone else! But it was made up for, because our instructors took us out for beers afterwards, and led us to this abandoned castle to see the beautiful lake right at sunset. It was one of the prettiest things I've ever seen. I would've paid 200 francs for that sunset alone (that's how pretty it was in person).
Hotel lobby in the morning.
Downtown Interlaken
The grass was greener than anything I've ever seen 
Going up the mountain to find a good place to fly
Eating the Swiss Alps!
They made me carry the parachutes...I almost fell backwards when I put it on lol
Strapped up and ready to fly
First one to go
Flying over Interlaken...with some snow still on my shoes from running haha
Katie landing with her instructor Peach.
Super refreshing beer after a long afternoon.
Life is good!
Amaaazzzing chocolate from the Swiss Chocolate Chalet.
My favorite pic of Katie! Here's when we were at the castle
Watching the sunset was the most beautiful thing I've ever witnessed
Canned champagne, not bad...
Out of a painting. I didn't want to leave...

Day 3 // We woke up, got dressed, and left to the alps to canyon jump. I was so pumped and ready for the jump. Mind you, before I left I had watched this video on YouTube and got even more pumped to do it: (click here). When it came time for my jump, I planned to run off the ledge and swing down. But I miscalculated the aerodynamics of the entire thing. I didn't realize I would plunge instantly first and then swing back and forth. You see in the video at the end of this post, that I was so shocked that I would try to find ground by shuffling my legs the air, lol. As I was falling for a good 3-4 seconds, I remember feeling so much shock and rush, and then when I started to swing, I was like.... HYFR. It was amazing and would do it again in a heartbeat. I've been skydiving before, but this was different because you have to actually make the jump yourself. So much fun and it was such an epic weekend.
Where we plunged off the ledge
After snowboarding the alps, paragliding over Interlaken and canyon jumping, I somehow managed to cut myself by tripping...

Watch the whole thing here, enjoy.


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