Sunday, May 13, 2012

Goodbye Roma

I can't believe it's over. 4 months flew by way too quickly. I'll say it again and again...choosing to study in Rome was the best decision I've ever made. During these past 4 months, I've met new friends who I can now call family, and a place I can actually call my home. The people I've met, the food I ate, the places I traveled to, the things I've learned made this an experience of a lifetime. These past 4 months felt like a crazy, surreal, exciting adventure-- everything I expected and more.

Leaving Rome is incredibly bittersweet. Bitter because I have to let go of this incredible and unique experience; sweet because I'm ending my undergraduate college experience in the best possible way with tons of amazing memories to carry home. There are more things to say, and I can go on for pages...bottom line, Rome is the greatest city in the world, and the people I got to know it with made it even greater. I'll always remember the wild nights around town, the walks along Viale di Trastevere, the smell of the pizza and capuccinos, feet hurting from cobblestone, j-walking whenever we please, hearing the sound of Italian conversations, and flying into FCO after a weekend away and feeling like you've just stepped back into your home. Cue "Graduation - Vitamin C".

Rome has been hell of a ride. You'll always stay close to my heart! Never change.

xoxo, double kisses



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