Friday, May 4, 2012

The Amalfi Coast

Even though this trips feels like ages ago, I'm going to try to describe this weekend the best I can remember. So, Michelle and I booked this trip through a travel company through an amazing deal we found even before we can to Europe, the same company we used to go to Croatia (Euroadventures). I didn't expect much out of it since the accommodations for us in Croatia were absolute trash. But I was pleasantly surprised with this company the 2nd time around. The entire experience was just overall so much better... the weather was nice, accommodations decent, people were so sweet and friendly. We stayed in these villas in Sorrento that had its own kitchen and living room, which we took advantage of by cooking in one of the nights. We had the opportunity to visit Positano and Amalfi the first day, Capri the second, and Pompeii the third and last day. I've honestly got to say, the Amalfi Coast has got to be one of my favorite places in Italy, if not Europe. I was so enchanted by the beaches and old buildings. Capri Island was my absolute favorite place I've been to in Europe (beach over city any day).

Day 1: Positano & Amalfi
When we got to the Amalfi Coast, the weather so gloomy but we were just thankful it wasn't raining. My friends who had gone on this trip just a weekend earlier said it was pouring rain, so it was a relief we didn't have to bust out our umbrellas and take cover every 3 seconds.
We got to Positano by bus and explored this small town.
There were so many restaurants and hotels with beautiful views that I promised to come back to in the future.
Despite the weather, I'd have to say Positano is one of the prettiest places I've been to.
Always gotta do the HSM Jump! (Look at that background)
Back in Sorrento for dinner with jugs on jugs of vino, amazing pasta and great, hilarious GT conversations. 
Bruno, our tour guide. Such a sweet old man with a youthful spirit. He said to me "Next month I'm coming back to Italy (from the states) with 10 women. I call it... A.W.W. Art, Women, Wine" Gotta love that.
Gelato. My main addiction.

Day 2: Capri Island
The next day we took the world's fastest ferry to Capri Island, that took us from Sorrento to Capri in less than 30 minutes. We got there and were greeted with sunshine and a beautiful coast.  
Quiet little beaches all around the island with the bluest hue
Easily one of my favorite places in Europe--Capri!
So we had one of two options to get to the Blue Grotto. 1) Take a bus to the top of the island 2) Walk over a thousand steps up the steepest incline you can imagine. Guess which one we chose...
We were occasionally rewarded with a breathtaking view (not that I needed more breath taken from me).  
We were having lunch on the patio of one of these restaurants, when all these gorgeous beautiful men and women, children and seniors come waltzing down looking extremely posh from head-to-toe...I couldn't stop staring slash stalking.
We figured they were all going to a wedding. 
And yup...we were right. Caught this wedding over the waters of Capri. I've never been so determined to have my wedding in the exact same location as this one. The most beautiful setting you can imagine.
The white buildings and homes made me feel like I was in Greece.
So we arrived at the Blue Grotto. I had my swimming suit on and was reading to jump off cliffs and into the water. But Bruno warned us that the current was too strong and it was too dangerous... so I busted out my Aveeno sunblock, my towel, and opted for a quick tanning sesh. You really can't complain when the weather's nice and you're in Capri.
Miss Heidi Dixon and I. Loving my new "Capri" sweater
My special friend, Michelle.
Capri from up high. All-white buildings
One of the signature monuments of Capri. These 3 stone pillars

Day 3: The Ruins of Pompeii
On Sunday, we took a train to Pompeii. I've already seen Ostia Antica (another site of ruins in Italy) so I wasn't too thrilled to go to Pompeii. But I figured it could be worth the trip since it is "Pompeii" after all. I have to admit it was pretty neat walking through this ancient town that was destroyed by a volcanic eruption. 
I remember reading about it in the 7th grade and 10th grade. Felt a little surreal to actually be there
So, we went to the "whore houses" where men would engage in some "afternoon delight", quoted words from my 70 year old tour guide. It was a pretty casual thing in Pompeii where men would frequent after going to the baths (equivalent to our modern day spa). 
Had a beautiful weekend in the Amalfi Coast. It was arguably one of my favorite weekends in Europe. It's definitely a place I would say you need to visit if you're ever in Italy, specifically Positano and Capri. 


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