Saturday, March 9, 2013

Back in Rome... for a while now.

It's officially been 7 weeks since I've been in Italy. Time freaking flies.

Just to give a little bit of background, I'm in Rome for a short-term State Dept internship working in public diplomacy for the USUN. The program thus far has been incredibly rewarding and has overwhelmingly exceeded all my expectations. But traveling on the weekends have been pretty hard since I'm working full-time (40+ hours). Especially because this is my first full-time anything. Traveling around some European city on the weekend and trying to then function normally on Monday morning has its challenges, so we've been trying to find short, manageable trips within Italy and making the most of our time in Rome. 

Last year, I was living in Rome but traveling mostly outside of Italy so wasn't able to really enjoy the city as much as I have been now. I loved studying abroad last year and the experience was one I would never trade, but hands down...this trip is kicking ass. It is a new type of learning experience. I feel in my element and Rome gradually is becoming a place I can truly call home.

I can write about this place for days, and how moving back was one of the best decisions I ever made. I'll stick to posting about travels and less about my internship, since that alone may need its own blog. And my posts henceforth will be chronological from the week I arrive til the present day (if I can ever catch up). 

St. Peter's Basilica, Rome.


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