Saturday, December 15, 2012

I'm Going Going, Back Back, to Roma

Resurrecting this blog because I'm going back to Europe in one month! A few months ago I received my official acceptance into an internship program in Rome, Italy. After I came back from Rome about 6 months ago, I've been dying to go back and have been looking for opportunities abroad ever since. I came across a program that couldn't have been a more perfect combination of everything I was interested in. So over the summer I applied, not really thinking much of it...and whaaaat do you know.

I wish I could be more excited to leave, but all my current responsibilities are holding me down at the moment. I've been studying for my GREs ever since I made the decision to apply to graduate school a few months ago. It's been hard to focus solely on studying because of work obligations that wear me out. It's been putting a huge cloud over the holiday season. I have never been this unenthusiastic about the holidays. Usually, I'm the annoying friend who handwrites and snail mails Christmas cards, bumps KOST 103.5 holiday music with windows down for all to hear, organizes the Secret Santas and Christmas dinners, the one who actually counts down the days til Christmas. But this year I'm the total opposite. My hatred of the GREs is really killing my holiday spirit so I apologize to everyone in advance if I'm acting like a Grinch.

See you soon, Roma.

P.S. Does anyone even read this? Or am I....


  1. Hi Elisa. You are so boss. I admire your determination and work ethics. Its amazing that you get to travel the world. Good luck on your adventures ahead and im sure your Christmas sprit will come around.


    1. Awww SeungSoo that made me so happy! Thanks for the encouragement. :)
