Thursday, January 12, 2012

Exploring Roma

What a day! My legs are about to fall off because I've been walking a thousand miles around Rome. We decided to do some touristy things today like check out the Colloseum. The trip there was insane. We were stopping at every block just looking at and admiring the city. "Oh my gosh" came out of someone's mouth literally every 0.5 seconds.

Started the morning off with a cappuccino. Not much of a coffee drinker, but was pressured when the lady asked me why I wasn't getting a cappuccino. 
Chocolate mousse croissant. I die.
 Right across the street from my apartment.
Crossing the Tiber once again.
The streets are so beautiful. I can't get over it.
Asian Santa in Rome. 
The view
The Colosseum is so breathtaking. Wow, it was so unreal.
Pinch me!
Long and tiring day, but so worth it. Love you Roma!


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