Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's Tuesday Night. What Are We Doing?

I finally got to meet up with Michelle, one of my close friends from LA. It was surreal meeting up with her on Ponte Mazzini above the Tiber River. Originally we were both supposed to live in the same apartment building, but were unfortunately split up and placed miles away (me in Trastevere and her next to the Vatican). After a week of being here and not seeing each other, we finally had a chance to eat dinner at catch up at Hostaria del Moro da Tony, aka Tony's Pizzeria. It was so good to see her face, meet her roommates and talk about our future plans in Italy. We had a very decent Italian meal with Tony himself treating us to some dessert after our meal (score). The Italians here are so hospitable!
Ponte Mazzini where I met Michelle!
Pizza with all the most random toppings you can think of on the thinnest crust in the world. Yes, that is a boiled egg lol. 
Chicken parmesan. Reaaaal good.
Compliments of Tony.

After we split up, I headed back to Trastevere where I met up with some friends and headed out to Drunken Ship and Scholar's Pub... again. It definitely felt a lot like freshman year, rolling mob deep in a good group of 15. I would never go out on a Tuesday night back at home, especially on a school night. But you're only in Rome once, right? Right. Apparently, Tuesday night is treated no different than a Friday night in Roma seeing that the entire pub was packed. 
I met some Turkish guys from Istanbul at Drunken Ship who were on a business trip with the pharmaceutical company, GSK. I asked them what they were doing at a crappy bar like Drunken Ship drinking terrible beer. They shrugged and told me to cheers with them to a very successful fiscal 2011 year. I came home and looked more into their company and realized I cheersed with a bunch of guys who work for a company that tests its drugs on animals.. Umm, woops. 
 We head over to Scholar's for round 2 and are greeted with American girls singing Spice Girls and Coldplay for "karaoke night" in the larger bar room. It was almost as packed as the metrobus on a Monday afternoon. Thankfully I was able to make my way out of that room and found a few friends to walk back home with not too long after. 
And just when I thought nothing was open late night in Italy. Pizzeria down the street was open for business. We walked in and bought 2 delicious supplis. Absolutely, glorious. 
Class in a few hours. No big deal. YOLO.


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