Thursday, January 19, 2012

Let's go Apertivo

In Italy, we have something called apertivo. I'm still dancing around the concept of what it is, but apparently it's a social gathering with friends which typically includes a few glasses of wine and a some appetizers (correct me if I'm wrong). Tonight, we had apertivo along with an Italian Survival 101 which was surprisingly very helpful. We went to a quaint little studio in Rome owned by a man named Andrea. He prepared THE most amazing caprese salads and bruschettas for us along with a ginger carrot soup and a delicious dessert to top it off. As soon as we were done with one tray of bruschettas, he would bring out another, and another. While we enjoyed our delicious food and a variety of red and white wines, we had an Italian lady join us to teach us some Italian rules and etiquette. 
Andrea hosts cooking lessons for students at my university. Good-looking Italian guy that knows how to cook. Marry me please. 
Caprese salad. Best. 
Ginger and Carrot soup. Perfection.
Wine party.
Bruschetta mista (assortment of bruschetta).
The bruschettas were out of this world. No exaggeration. There were 4 different kinds: bruschetta con pomodoro (tomatoes), one with artichoke, another with soft cheese and greens, and the last one (the brown colored) was my absolute favorite but never found out what it was. My taste buds were so happy.
P.S. In Italy, bruschetta is pronounced with a "k" sound, not a "ch" sound. I need to do some major damage control when I get back to the U.S.
Some white wine from Sicily and red Chianti wine.
Andrea prepared a dessert for us. No idea what it was, but looks like a powdered cake with apricots and cream. Utterly spoiled here by the food alone. 
Italian lessons with our instructor for the night, Sole. 
Did we really just...? Alrighty then.
After our apertivo.
When we stepped outside this little Yorkie was peeking outside the window. (Melt a little inside)
And of course, any meal is incomplete without a scoop of gelato. No matter how many courses you just had. 
Pistachio gelato. Where have you been all my life?

Buonna notte, xoxo. Ciao!


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